FONTS.GE: All the Georgian fonts in one place
Request Font

If you can't find desired Georgian font, please tell us the exact name of the font. We'll try to find this font and upload it for you.

Please note: we're publishing only fonts that include Georgian writing. We will be unable to help you regarding Russian, Latin and other writing fonts (that do not include Georgian). Find out more about this.

Before sending the request, we encourage you to double check if the font is really missing in our database:

Font name

Please fill in the form below with attention. Make sure that the email address you specify is correct, active and receives email.

Your Name
Email Address
Exact name(s) of the font(s)
If you're requesting several fonts,
specify each on a separate line

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You will receive an email containing confirmation URL you need to follow in order to confirm your request. If not confirmed, we will not receive your request.

Currently we have 900 fonts and 41 packs

» Fonts including Lari symbol
» How to write with Georgian Unicode
» Encoding Converter

DESIGNTbilisi ფონტების ავტორებს გთავაზობთ ნაშრომის დიზაინერულ ჟურნალში გამოქვეყნებას.
დამატებითი ინფომაციისთვის დაუკავშირდით რედაქციას მისამართზე: teplos at proteinos dot com

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